UPLift Your Life NHS Clinical Trial
Inviting you on a journey to better mental health and wellbeing
A unique opportunity to benefit from
an innovative twelve week online group therapy programme for overcoming anxiety, depression and other common mental health issues, with personal app included
Mental health issues such as anxiety and depression can have a huge impact on all aspects of life. Finding effective solutions that work for you can be a big challenge.
This UPLift Your Life clinical trial will provide you with easy access to interventions designed to help you improve your mental health and well-being. Through this website, trial participants will have the opportunity to join in twelve weekly NHS online group therapy sessions – and will have access to a supporting personal app to reinforce therapy and help transfer learning into daily life.
Your participation in this programme and clinical trial will help you, and will provide a valuable contribution to advancing mental health treatment and improving the wellbeing of millions like you – a real win for all.
Thank you for considering being part of this trial and helping us to help you and others uplift your health, wellbeing and happiness.
The supporting UPLift Your Life personal app is compatible with modern browsers and devices/Chrome browser preferable
If you have already registered to the trial and have an active account, login here to access UPLift Your Life interventions and Skills Practices
If you don’t have an account, but would like to participate in the trial,
please go to the ‘Contact’ page to register your interest.
This trial is scheduled to begin summer 2024.